Danfoss AutomationDrive FC 302
Versatile, reliable and consistently awesome
Built to last, this robust drive operates effectively and reliably even with the most demanding applications and in the most challenging environments.
VLT® AutomationDrive takes full advantage of all that the new digital age has to offer to ensure it completely fulfills the requirements of your applications and optimizes your processes throughout the entire lifecycle.
VLT® AutomationDrive
FC 301 / FC 302
Versatile, reliable and consistently awesome
Built to last, this robust drive operates effectively and reliably even with the most demanding applications and in the most challenging environments.
VLT® AutomationDrive takes full advantage of all that the new digital age has to offer to ensure it completely fulfills the requirements of your applications and optimizes your processes throughout the entire lifecycle.
Supply voltages and power range
- 3 x 200-240 V…0.25-37 kW
- 3 x 380-500 V…0.37 kW – 1.1 MW
- 3 x 525-600 V…0.75-75 kW
- 3 x 525-690 V…1.1 kW – 1.4 MW
Installation is flexible as the drive adapts to any brand of motor
The flexible, modular design concept provides an extraordinarily versatile motor control solution
The new VLT® Wireless Communication Panel LCP 103 communicates wirelessly with MyDrive® Connect making it easier to perform commissioning, operation, monitoring and maintenance tasks
Back-channel cooling concept reduces costs, energy consumption and the size of the cooling system
New ‘ruggedized’ design reduces the potential negative effects of vibration
The need for PLC capacity is reduced thanks to Smart Logic Control
Low lifetime costs are ensured as the drive is highly resistant to wear and tear
The lifetime of electronics is prolonged due to back-channel cooling for enclosures D, E and F
Commissioning and upgrades are easy due to plug-in technology
High-precision position and synchronization thanks to availability of Integrated Motion Controller throughout the entire product range
Features such as intelligent heat management, Safe stop and Safe Torque Off ensure safe and energy-efficient operation of the drive
VLT® Motion Control Tool MCT 10 offers a customized commissioning experience
Fact sheet
Download the Fc302 fact sheet here
High-precision positioning and synchronization with reduced costs and system complexity
To optimize performance, many applications across all industry sectors have a need for precise positioning and synchronization. These applications include:
rotary tables
packaging machines
labelling machines
To date, positioning and synchronisation operations have been performed using servo drives. However, servo equipment is expensive; it is difficult to commission and requires additional cabling. And, as servo drives do not work with open loop control systems, there is a high failure rate. Many applications do not require the high dynamic performance offered by a servo drive. An alternative was to use an AC drive. But, until now, an additional internal or external module or an encoder on the motor was required.
Danfoss Drives has developed an innovative alternative to servo control. The Integrated Motion Controller (IMC) is functionality that enables an AC drive to perform high-precision positioning and synchronisation operations without the need for additional modules or hardware. IMC is now configurable in the software of the VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302.
IMC has many advantages. It works with all conventional motor technologies, with closed loop or open loop control, and offers sensorless homing with torque detection. Drives are adapted to the applications through simple parameterisation. This means that knowledge of servo technology or programming languages is not required. As no encoder or additional cables are needed, engineering, installation and commissioning time and costs can be reduced.

Book An Appointment
Call: 01324 633203
15 Almond Rd, Middlefield
Falkirk, Stirlingshire, FK2 9HQ